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Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "How to Make Money From Your Tumblr Blog". Tumblr is a social media site where people can publish images and other media on their blog. The site had over 100 million users as of November 2014, but only about 16% of these used blogs; many more on Tumblr simply follow other people's blogs and engage in the activity of following back (the "reblog," or sharing a post). As such, while Tumblr has some skill-sharing opportunities, it is primarily used for personal expression. This article will introduce some easy ways to make money from your blogging skills without having to do any technical programming experience required. Tumblr is a very easy-to-use blogging platform. All you need to do is to follow the guide below and you will be earning money from your blog in no time! 1) Sign up on Tumblr Follow this link to register your account with Tumblr. You may create your own username if you want, or just use their suggested default one. 2) Pick yourself a cool name & avatar3) Sign up for an AdSense account or integrate it with your Tumblr account already created before. Your Blog's name will be the title of your Google AdSense account, so keep it clean and simple if possible. Just don't use your Blog's name as your AdSense account's real name. 4) Create a blog 5) Now that you've already signed up and created a blog, make sure to start posting! You can post up to 3 posts a day for free, or pay just $4.99 every month to access unlimited posts. To post on Tumblr, follow these steps:6) Make sure people can find you by adding tags and categories to your posts. Tumblr Categories are similar to Blog Categories on WordPress, but these have much bigger numbers. You need at least 25-30 tags and 5-10 categories, so use this information wisely. Also, make sure your tag and category names are no longer than 20 characters and no longer than the same number of characters as your keyword. 7) Be creative and make posts like you do on your blog except for inserting images, headlines and captions. You can only post up to 12 videos on Tumblr, but we were able to post more than that as an example. Keep track of the tags that have been clicked as a free service from Tumblr. 8) Remember, posting is the most important part of your blog! As mentioned before, you can post up to 3 posts a day for free or pay just $4. 99 a month for unlimited posts. 9) If you have what it takes to keep your blog updated, keep doing so with daily posts and click ads on Google AdSense. We recommend you to have at least 40 posts before starting to advertise with AdSense. 10) If you wish to increase your income from your blog, try getting a BlogAds account from Tumblr as a free service they provide. This is the same ad format as Google Adsense but this is used by companies that aren't quite as big as Google ones. You will need at least 60+ followers before applying for this service, and these followers must come from sites where they follow content as opposed to following you as a person. cfa1e77820


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